Tips How to Maintain Manual Transmission Car

How to care for a manual or matic transmission car in transmission repair in Des Plaines ILTransmission car is one of the important components in automobiles, but a lot of car owners who prefer to ignore this component. Maybe because I was lazy or did not understand how to take care of the car transmission. Basically how to care for a manual transmission car lies in the transmission oil change periodically. Cars that use a manual transmission using a special oil transmission and manual transmission oil change if the mileage already 10,000K kilometers. While the automatic transmission on a car reimbursement of any mileage in multiples of 20,000 km.

As guidance below, performed to keep cars that have manual transmission so that the transmission is smooth and durable.

1. Transmission Oil

If the maintenance manual transmission cars are less so can result in leakage and makes the transmission oil becomes dry faster. The cause of the leak is usually derived from oil drain bolt place that suffered damage or are not meeting. To accelerate and refine the operation of the manual car you should use the type of quality oil with a type of oil viscosity fully synthetic with size 75 -90 W.

2. Set the clutch

To refine and speed up gear change in a manual transmission car should first set your clutch, clutch pedal because the distance is too high can stretch the distance on clutch and manual transmission on the car. And this can cause the gearshift into coarse and heavy during gearshift do. Set this coupling can also do from the clutch pedal and also some other vehicle types through a cable connected from the clutch to the transmission located on the machine.

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3. Original Spare Parts

Use the official product and original to your car clutch of long-lived, because if not using genuine spare parts can result in your car’s manual transmission shift becomes less smooth and rough voice sounded. In addition, it is usually for those who wear the original products get a warranty of 6 months to 2 years.

4. Change the transmission oil

We recommend changing the oil regularly on 15,000 kilometers or 8,000, so will reduce friction around your car and can extend the life of your manual transmission cars.

5. Using a clutch

So that the clutch is not quickly wear out, keep putting the foot on the clutch, especially when the gear has been entered and the vehicle was speeding. So do not get used to his feet touching the clutch pedal, especially the bottom of the car was traveling, because the effects of these habits can increase the friction between the clutch and the transmission and accelerate the service life of components on the machine.

If you rarely use the car will still be no condensation of water content in the oil that makes moist so that the function of the lubricant is reduced and may lead to brittle clutch. So some how to care for a manual transmission car, not hard, is not it? If you do these 5 things then a manual car will not experience any problems.