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Learn the Facts About ADHD

Attention hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a group of behavioral symptoms wherein it is noticed at an early age, 6 to 12 years old, as characterized by hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Inattentiveness is often characterized by the following signs: difficulty in organizing task, forgetfulness (losing things), unable to listen, inability to carry out instructions, inability to focus on a particular task, and short attention span. Impulsiveness and hyperactivity are characterized by inability to sit still, constantly fidgeting, excessive physical movement, excessive talking, unable to wait for his turn, interrupting conversations, and little or no sense of danger. These signs and symptoms significantly affect a child’s life that may result to problems with discipline, underachievement, and poor social interaction with other people.

There are also other medical conditions associated with ADHD including autistic spectrum disorder, epilepsy, dyslexia, Tourette’s syndrome, anxiety disorder, depression, and conduct disorder. For adults, the signs and symptoms of ADHD include inability to deal with stress, extreme impatience, inability to focus, poor organizational skills, carelessness, lack of attention to details, continually losing things, mood swings, irritability, restlessness, and forgetfulness. ADHD treatment can help in relieving the signs and symptoms to make the signs and symptoms less of a problem in day-to-day life. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be treated with the use of medication or therapy, arranged by a pediatrician or psychiatrist. The common medications used in the treatment of ADHD include Methylphenidate, Dexamfetamine, Lisdexamfetamine, Atomoxetine, and Guanfacine. Remember that these medications are not permanent cure for ADHD but they can help in reducing signs and symptoms, helping a patient feel calmer, less impulsive, feel better, and be able to learn new skills.

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It is challenging and draining caring for a child with ADHD. Everyday activities that caregiver experiences involve fearless, impulsive, and chaotic behaviors of patients with ADHD. Set clear routines and plan the day so your child knows what to expect, and will surely make a big difference to how your child with ADHD copes with his everyday life. Reinforcing positive behavior and ensuring that everyone knows what behavior is expected is also a good way to help your child with ADHD cope with everyday stress and behavioral problems. Provide a specific phrase instead of general praise such as “Good job in fixing your toys!”. Bedtime can be less stressful by sleeping same time every night and waking up sometime in the morning. Do not allow your child to watch TV or play computer games hours before bedtime. Sleep problems and ADHD is a vicious cycle that can make symptoms worse if not managed properly. For more details about ADHD management, you can visit our website or homepage now.

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