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How to Avoid Losing Your Car Keys

There’s nothing worse than misplacing your keys. It always seems to happen at the most inopportune times. Losing your car keys is incredibly stressful, but if you take some simple preventative steps, you’ll never be stranded at home again. Read this article and become a master of not losing your car keys.

Develop a Routine

One of the best techniques to avoid losing your car keys is repetition. Designate a spot in your home and always put your keys there. Choose a spot close to the door, and you are even less likely to misplace them.

Have Backups Ready

In this case, more is better. Having backup keys will ensure that you never are unable to drive your car. Luckily, there are car key replacement services Orlando that can manufacture spare keys for you. Put the spares in a drawer, or allocate them throughout your house.

Consolidate Your Keys

The simplest way to prevent lost keys is to use a key ring. A ring with several keys on it is much harder to lose than a single loose key. If you still habitually lose your keys, try attaching the keys to your belt or something that you don’t lose.

Get a Tracker

There are apps that specialize in locating your lost keys. Try some out and see what works for you. Of course, if you are prone to losing your phone too you will be out of luck. That’s why building a routine is so important.

Take Notes

Get in the habit of writing the last place you used your keys. This can help you retrace your steps if your keys turn up missing. Sometimes all it takes is a small reminder to suddenly remember that your keys are in the bedroom.

Losing your keys is no fun. Taking the proper steps and developing good habits will go a long way towards preventing the worst from happening. Try out the tips in this article, and see how long you can go without having a key emergency.

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