5 Ways IoT Is Changing Wearable Technologies For Construction Workers

The application of technology in the world of construction has grown overwhelmingly in recent times, which has allowed not only the development of planning and study of construction processes with a vision of the future but also the construction of the work. 

In the elaboration of materials, the diversification of these with technology and in the construction of habitable structures can be observed, more and more present, these applied sciences in projects of the big companies.

The 4 technological trends in construction that mark the future of the sector

The application of innovative technologies in the construction sector is already a fact. If until a few years ago it was one of the industries most reluctant to change, nowadays digital transformation is something necessary in those construction companies that want to continue responding to the needs of consumers. So let’s know what the 4 technological trends in construction that mark the future of the sector are.

Builder Robots

It is no longer just Hadrian, the robot that places bricks to build a structure in a few hours. We are facing the application of technologies in construction such as those shown by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with its Digital Construction Platform (DCP) system where a robot, in any environment or environment, prints buildings with the materials that are presented. This procedure seeks to replace traditional construction techniques.

Smart materials 

The development of smart tiles for high traffic spaces converts kinetic energy into electrical energy. These materials were designed in Europe and tested in shopping centers, train or metro stations, schools, among others.

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Energies that can be recycled in technological devices with digital connection networks, and also applied later for public lighting or traffic signals. A system that already has almost five years of use that has been implemented in the Olympic Park in London, schools in England, commercial spaces in Athens and sports in Australia.

Another advance has been the “solar paint,” which through a spray converts the base structure applied to a solar panel composed of titanium. All these qualities present in the various materials qualify them among those of greater applicability to the constructions of the future. Safety cones are having sensors embedded into them, along with other equipment, to help communication throughout the construction site!

Smart Cities 

In the well-known Smart Cities, the Internet of Things allows the management of cities to be functional and comprehensive, as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) puts it. Interfaces, sensors and connected devices, and infrastructure, as well as integrated operation and control centers, form the foundations of Smart Cities.

This shows actions such as the installation of technologies applied to train stations or bus stops or in various areas of the city that capture through devices “the level of noise, the flow of citizens, traffic, weather conditions, to report the status of situations and be able to apply corrective or improve services.

Home automation 

Much of it applied in home automation, a source of innovation that makes housing more human, where design facilitates life by confirming that comfort, safety, accessibility is promoted and energy savings are provided from the control command through the communications.

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All this shows how not only new developments require technological developments but also in the application of them to existing works or their adaptability to space, which will enrich and improve systems for life.

According to the United Nations Organization for Housing and Habitat – UN-Habitat – 40{0446b5b641a2261df73d7a112bc8c3ef3592f280ef52e20fcf6d49c43d607e19} of the world’s population by 2030 will require access to housing that also contains essential services so that the implementation of plans that allow building just over 100 thousand homes a day.

Therefore, sustainable housing policies are increasingly relevant, with aspects such as durability, benefits, and adaptation to changes. Then, the use of technology is essential to ensure that buildings are efficient and are achieved in the shortest time possible.