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Boxing In The Shadow Of The World Color Line

Unser Export-Angebot wird stetig gepflegt und um neue Börsen erweitert. She defended her PhD thesis entitled Investigation of foliar lipid peroxidation in greater vegetation and analysis of antioxidant capacities of delicate or drought-resistant crops” in 1992 (Paris Diderot University, France) within the area of Tropical Plant Biology.\n\nOn that time, it is sufficient to word that, within the context of the Regulation, as is apparent from paragraphs 32 to 34 of the present judgment, a ‘quantitative selective distribution system’ could also be distinguished, by definition, from the qualitative selection of distributors referred to in paragraph 20 of the judgment in Metro SB-Großmärkte v Commission.\n\nThis reference for a preliminary ruling concerns the interpretation of Article 1(1)(f) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1400/2002 of 31 July 2002 on the appliance of Article eighty one(three) of the Treaty to classes of vertical agreements and concerted practices within the motorcar sector ( OJ 2002 L 203, p. 30 , ‘the Regulation’).\n\nAlthough the case is confined to the automotive sector and the VBER 1400/2002, this ruling will even have relevance for selective distribution systems underneath the umbrella” VBER that covers these market sectors that should not have a particular VBER of their own.

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