Utilizing Your Office Space

Whether your office is at your employers or at home, your space might be cluttered because the room is small. Finding a way to make these necessary items accessible to you while opening up your desk can make you more productive and make your tasks more enjoyable. Here are some ways to free up the area you use.

Look for Storage

Research options for storage solutions Minneapolis MN to keep your papers and small items in, such as file cabinets. An additional bonus to items like this is that you can set plants or framed photos on top of them to give your space a homey feel. Adding a bookshelf or two can hold your binders or books that you need to reference occasionally. Adhere hooks or other hangers to the wall to hold personal things like your purse or coat.

Use Company Equipment

If you work away from home and your company has their equipment on the network, consider using a printer assigned to everyone instead of having one within your space. This frees up a large portion of your desk and allows you to socialize and get away from your computer when you go to pick up the job you printed.

Get Smaller Furniture

If your desk takes up most of the room, consider finding one that is smaller. This will prevent you from piling up papers you use once in a while and encourage you to file them. It also gives you room to bring a file cabinet or bookshelf to store these things as well as books and personal effects. Downsizing will also give the room a larger look since the free area will make it appear less cluttered. As you reorganize to fit the new furniture, this is a good time to do away with extra items you rarely use and put away papers you are finished with.

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