What Mileage Means

What Mileage Means

For older car models, when the automobile hit 100,000 miles, it was usually an indicator that engine troubles were right around the corner. With newer automobiles, this is not necessarily the case. However, mileage is still very good predictor of many things automobile related.

In general, cars are expected to travel between 10,000 to 12,000 miles per year. In many cases, up to 15,000 miles may even be normal. Driving a car more than this in a year may make it prone to a premature breakdown, especially if maintenance services have been neglected.

When used car buying, individuals can never know how a previous owner treated a car. They can, however, estimate the level of care an automobile received. Mileage is a good indicator of care.

Many individuals base their services off of time rather than mileage, which is why a car that averages more than 12,000 to 15,000 miles per year may be prone to breaking down prematurely. Cars are supposed to be serviced based on miles, not time.

Oil changes, filter changes, hose replacements, fluid replacements, tire rotations and balances, and other services are supposed to occur every 3000 to 6000 miles depending on the service. Some individuals, though, wait 3 or 6 months before getting these services instead.

This is when problems may arise. Each of these services is essential to extending the lifespan of a vehicle. Individuals who fail to perform these services may subject their vehicles to premature breakdown.

It is important to note that mileage should only be used as a gauge rather than as a definitive test; that is, if a car falls within the proper miles per year average, individuals should still order vehicle history reports and service records to further explore the car’s past.

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